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INPOSA s.r.o.

Business type: Services
Business type: Exporter, Local market
Number of employees: Brak danych
Annual sales value: Brak danych
Established year: 2000


Machines & Tools

Firm Rank: 0

INPOSA Ltd. is a company, engaged in constructive and creative works, by which we cooperate with the best czech and other manafacturers and professional institutes. We focus on work in areas of Grouting, Floors, Improvements and Stone treatment.

With the top czech projectors and investors, we are part of an exciting evolution of technologies and solutions for this areas.

We ensure advisors, completation of all deliveries and wide choice of Degussa - s.h products (PCI, Conica, MBT)

We ensure complete deliveries of construction works including taking over the responsibility and warranty of the delivered materials.

Address data

Street:Práčská 1881/14
City:Praha 10 Zabehlice
Postal code:10600
Country:Czech Republic
Phone: +420 608 362377


Contact person

Name and Surname: Jaroslav Kraft
Phone: +420 608 362377
Mobile: +420 608362377