Kategoria: Telekomunikacja -> Nawigacja, GPS
Kraj: Wszystkie
GPS 43Vbt
oryginalna mapa
duży ekran 4,3 cala !!!
umożliwia połączenie z Twoim telefonem GSM i używanie nawigacji jako zestaw głośnomówiący
umożliwia włączenie dźwięku nawigacji oraz telefonu połączonego przez bluetooth na transmisję FM, którą przechwyci każde radio samochodowe
solidne wykonanie, dobra jakosć LCD
odtwarzanie[...]   Szczegóły...  General Description:
The Vivotech GPS-1210 SiRFstarIII Bluetooth GPS receiver is a compact Global Position System receiver with Bluetooth wireless communication. It performs the high performance, easily portable, wireless data transmission with rechargeable and removable battery function. It is small, light weight, easy to fit in hand and suitable for any kind of the handheld device such as PDA, smart phone, etc.
GPS-1210 receiver allows you to receive GPS data on mobile handhelds wirelessly.[...]   Szczegóły...  The LGSF3000 integrates Bluetooth wireless with GPS positioning technology to remove the limitation range from wired GPS receiver. With LGSF3000 are easy installation, small size and quick-time-to-market in GPS receiver products.
The chipset used is the SiRF Star III with build in flash based firmware. In addition a two stage LNA, TCXO and RTC are included. LGSF3000 has quick Cold Start/ fast TTFF performance. Without any wiring requirement, LGSF3000 adds GPS positioning capability to any Bluetooth[...]   Szczegóły...  MapaMap to rodzina systemów nawigacyjnych obejmujących oprogramowanie do nawigacji dla urządzeń Pocket PC oraz oprogramowanie dourządzeń GPS dedykowanych tylko do nawigacji.
Najnowszą wersją oprogramowania jest MapaMap 5.0
MapaMap 5.0 to najnowszy system nawigacyjny wprowadzający unikalną technologię REAL 3D – czyli nawigacji z trójwymiarowymi budynkami. Trójwymiarowe budynki miedzy, którymi można nawigować za pomocą oprogramowania MapaMap 5.0 dają użytkownikowi znacznie[...]  Szczegóły...  Dimension 62 x 50 x 23 mm
Weight 60 g
Enclosure ABS plastic
IP Rating IP65
LED 2 LED indicators for GPS/GSM Working status
T360 is the simple and low cost version OBD-II GPS vehicle tracker which only provider the basic functions : GPS tracking function and the optional
engine stop remotely via the immobilization, so, it suit for those who just need the entry level tracking solution with the basic function[...] Szczegóły...  900C gps tracker
Specifications :
Track on Web or Mobile Phone
Listen-in or Two-way Audio (Use the SMS to set the communication mode)
Internal 2Mb Flash Memory for Logging when the device in the gprs blind area
Good for tracking, fleet management and security
Track by SMS/GPRS
Band: 900MHz/1800MHz and 850MHz/1900MHz
User can link to the service center GPS tracking website through the Internet to see where is the vehicle on the Google earth and vehicle situation information
Listen-in[...] Szczegóły...  900S
Product information
Web-based tracking, mapping.
Customizable intervals by time, by stop.
Mileage/gas consumptions reports
Location, speed, heading, gsm/gps signal, address, status display.
Compass showing moving direction.
History trace display
Reports export excel file
180 days history data.
Support Google map, Google earth, MapInfo
Address searching support
Every enterprise user can administer the entire vehicle in its range.
It also can distribute different rights[...] Szczegóły...  900G gps tracker
Product information
Track on Web or Mobile Phone
Listen-in or Two-way Audio (Use the SMS to set the communication mode)
Internal 2GB/4GB TF card for Logging
Support camera
Support RFID reader (Optional)
Support printer(Optional)
Good for tracking, fleet management and security
Track by SMS/GPRS
Band: 900MHz/1800MHz and 850MHz/1900MHz
User can link to the service center GPS tracking website through the Internet to see where is the vehicle[...] Szczegóły...  900E gps tracker
Product information
Track on Web or Mobile Phone
Listen-in or Two-way Audio (Use the SMS to set the communication mode)
Internal 2Mb Flash Memory for Logging when the device in the gprs blind area
Support camera
Support LCD (Optional)
Support temperature sensor(Optional)
Good for tracking, fleet management and security
Track by SMS/GPRS
Band: 900MHz/1800MHz and 850MHz/1900MHz
User can link to the service center GPS tracking website[...] Szczegóły...  900C gps tracker
Specifications :
Track on Web or Mobile Phone
Listen-in or Two-way Audio (Use the SMS to set the communication mode)
Internal 2Mb Flash Memory for Logging when the device in the gprs blind area
Good for tracking, fleet management and security
Track by SMS/GPRS
Band: 900MHz/1800MHz and 850MHz/1900MHz
User can link to the service center GPS tracking website through the Internet to see where is the vehicle on the Google earth and vehicle situation information
Listen-in[...] Szczegóły...